Should a difference in opinion equal death?…
In my opinion, No! What brought this question to mind is the recent passing of YouTube personality Kevin Samuels. Although I was not a fan of his content, I don’t think his death should be celebrated…

Being happy that someone died based upon their opinion is sick to me, especially if their opinion didn’t call for any physical harm to anyone. Celebrating the death of someone for their non-violent views on the world is similar to Nazis celebrating the death of a Jew due to their religious beliefs…

In my opinion, a better way of dealing with Kevin Samuels and the men that think like this is to not deal with them at all. But celebrating his death turns you into everything you disliked about him, and maybe more. The reason I would say more is that he was giving men and women an irrational solution to the dating issues we are facing in today’s society, but that was just his point of view, and he didn’t force it on anyone. But celebrating his death is saying that we should celebrate the worst possible outcome for people who think differently and this is specifically dangerous for the black community. Because if we accept this as a way of life then we must also remember that when it comes to dealing with other communities we are pretty much powerless…
Again, before you label me as a Kevin Samuels stan and write this article off, I wrote this post on April 11th. I was not subscribed to him and viewed him as unoriginal and a thief…
Differences in opinions should be countered with facts or ignored and not just wished away by any means, because there’s no room for growth if everyone believes the same thing all the time, especially if your way of life is not only not getting better, but it’s further deteriorating. This way of thinking should be deemed the bad way of thinking, and those people should be viewed as the selfish portion of the community that’s happy to support the failing system because even hearing an opposing belief warrants death in their mind…
With that being said, what are your thoughts on people celebrating the death of someone for their nonviolent beliefs? Do you think it’s all bad or should there be exceptions?…