Blacks need a leader, there’s no debating the topic. The gain far exceeds the risk. Most risks are based on the leader being compromised, which is sort of irrational. Why not just prepare for that and have a plan in place for something like that?…
Not having a leader because they can be compromised is comparable to saying I’m not going to buy a car because I could crash and die in a car accident. Well, what about all the great things and comforts a car will provide you and your family? Like a fast and more efficient way to collect groceries for your family, a way to travel that protects you from the elements, and a way to transport your loved ones without exposing them to possibly dangerous people. A leader should be considered as the same concept, why let the very real possibility of this person getting killed or being bought from under us stop us. Why would we not consider the gains of choosing a good leader, by looking at great leaders throughout black history or history in general…
Black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. have led Black Americans to some of their greatest social gains in American society in his 39 years on earth…
Black Americans have only seen significant gains in their lot of life when they have had a prolific leader leading them. People like Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Elijah Muhammad have shown blacks their best gains post-slavery. Black abolitionist leaders helped to free Black Americans from slavery, post-slavery Black American leaders helped make sure we were educated enough to survive outside the system we knew all our lives, and Black civil rights leaders made sure we were given some of the same rights and opportunities that White Americans had, so we could compete in American society…
When leaders are not picked from people whose behavior we have vetted, they tend to emerge regardless, just in different methods, and a none vetted leader is the type of leader that’s a danger to you. A leader that has not been vetted means you have no idea of their history or intentions, vetting them does not completely eliminate your risk of them being compromised, but it does make it a lot less likely. Leaders that have not been vetted are exactly the issue we find ourselves in now. Now we are being led by entertainers and athletes, which is something that happens less often in other groups. Other groups keep those people in their field of specialty and make them prove their belonging in a leadership position to them, but not us blacks…
Blacks are the only group that allows their leaders to be given to them through outside sources, sources that most of us will argue don’t have our best interest at heart. When you live in a system that has a governing body then you will never escape having a leader, so why not choose one for yourself and preferably one that belongs to your group so that if race becomes an issue they and their family will face the same scrutiny as you?…
If you’re unsure of what qualities to look for in a leader, this diagram should help, especially if you’re looking for a leader that inspires change…
The issue that blacks have with leadership is that no one truly wants that type of responsibility because the job seems so impossible and dangerous if you consider our history. We all want to speak about our problems individually in hopes that everyone will get on the same page, when the world doesn’t work that way, we will need that one unifying point that we can all look to if we want to all get on the same page. So think about this way, our possible future black leaders, before you pass up on the job. Many things once seemed impossible and dangerous in history, but they are done today safely and with minimum error, things like air travel, transatlantic travel, space travel, and even many medical procedures. If no one ever took the risk and changed our perception of our ability to do these things just think about what state our society would currently be in, now take that same concept and apply it to blacks and look at our current state with our greatest minds opting out of leading us…