Is Charleston White setting up Black Americans and keeping us laughing while walking us into a trap?…

Who is Charleston White?…
Charleston White is a YouTuber who I’ve seen call himself a comedian and an activist, but is he something way more dangerous? Mr. White has gained popularity recently by challenging some of our Black American social norms and for working with “the system” publicly to help clean up some of our Black communities. On the surface, this all seems admirable, but is there a huge danger in his approach?…
I really only know a few things about Charleston White. I will say that he’s an entertaining character when it comes to his YouTube persona, and he will say some off putting things with perfect timing to make you laugh. But being from the south, that’s a skill that about 70% of our older black men from the hood possess, I’m happy that he’s able to tap into that and make it profitable for himself and the people around him. I also researched his advocacy, and he is a person that is actively involved in the community, Charleston White is cofounder of Helping Young People Excel (H.Y.P.E) an organization whose nucleus consists of minority men and women who are dedicated to enlightening adolescents and youth about the consequences that mischief can cause at an early age. He is also an active Incarcerated Children’s Advocacy Network (ICAN) member…

Here’s the setup…
My description of him would instantly make one say “Hey, we should all be a fan of this guy!” right? He’s funny, he’s an activist, actively doing work and plus I’m a person that championed YouTuber Tommy Sotomayor and even helped him produce his documentary called “A Fatherless America” so I should see the genius in Charleston White’s methods. Because let’s be honest, they’re both line pushers and lived in the realm of controversy to push their message, so what would make me deem Charleston White a danger?…
I’m going to challenge two of Charleston White’s most dominant talking points and point out the dangers. The first thing I’ll point out is the danger in his promoting the idea of locking up all the thugs in the community, then I’ll address the danger in his bragging about “Raping a White b!tch” and I’ll explain why it needs no victim or case to be wrong and dangerous…
Arrest all gang members…
First off, jail does not stop criminals… Criminals network in prisons this is a fact that even Charleston White would admit, criminals, find out about new schemes and better areas for their crimes in prisons.
It’s a known fact that most gangs and criminal organizations are run from behind bars too… Prisons have always been the corporate headquarters for criminals… Maybe we should thank Charleston White for better criminals? Because I’m sure threatening someone on the internet isn’t getting these guys a life sentence in prison because assault only get you some years and some fines…

Proof that prison walls do not stop criminals. This is an article dating back to 1985 where they studied gangs in prisons, and it even deals with their outside-of-prison impact. Read the full research paper here…

What’s the risk?…
Locking up a large number or killing them off, our young gang-affiliated Black men, leave Black Americans in a dangerous situation. To be protected you have to have people that you know are willing to do whatever it takes, and you don’t really have any guarantee that a law-abiding citizen will go all the way even to protect his family. W.E.B. DuBois learned this concept in dealing with the Atlanta Race riots in 1906, he witnessed the “scourge” doing what it took to take care of the community, and while the law-abiding Blacks tried to flee into the safer White communities, those Whites locked them out because how could they tell the difference and why would they take that chance anyway, right?…

Proof of even our bourgeoisie Blacks seeing some validity in our street element in the past, especially once the opposing race was provoked…
Read the full article here…
Saying that the “White man” will give you a job is in a sense telling the other law-abiding Black youth to go back into a type of slavery… Now think he has bragged about robbing and raping in that same White community…
The boy who cried rape… (Or who brags about it)
Bragging about raping women is unacceptable on all fronts…
But bragging about raping White women is particularly dangerous for Blacks because that has been a myth that has been used to stigmatize Black men in the past… “The savage Black man wants to rape our White women”, if you don’t believe me, watch the first birth of a nation, which inspired the rebirth of the KKK, or just Google Emmett Till…

And my Pro-Blackness definitely doesn’t trust the bragging rapist around our women. I don’t care how nice you treat other women in front of me, you’re waiting outside any of my family member’s homes. Plus, a lot of women say their rapist was being nice to them at first. So sorry bro but that’s rule one in protecting women no bragging rapist even for “shock and awe”…

If this is true, then why present someone that brags about rape with any opportunities?….
So there’s no confusion…
I have no interest in Charleston White’s interaction with other celebrities… I’m not quick to judge what people I’ve seen in movies do on the internet with other celebrities… That could be all a show, that’s why I don’t follow them, if I’m curious about a celebrity I’ll google them to learn what I need to, and then I’m finished… But I will say that how we represent ourselves to the public says a lot…

Doing this is only dangerous to him…
Don’t let this be your measurement for judging him these grown men can protect themselves, they rap about it in their music…
Where’s Tommy Sotomayor?…
And to anyone that thinks he’s funny and does say some good things, I say don’t allow this guy to laugh us into a trap… If you like to laugh and like to have your societal views challenged without any of the dangers Charleston White presents, then watch some old Tommy Sotomayor videos… The End