Social problem

What is The Shield, and can it fix a problem between minorities and the police?…

The Shield, An Automotive Information Pouch That Stores Vehicle Documents The product has made it easy to interact with law enforcement officers during a stop, helping to reduce anxiety… In America, a traffic stop can be a dangerous situation, especially when you’re a person of color. UShieldMe would like to announce their new and innovative …

What is The Shield, and can it fix a problem between minorities and the police?… Read More »

Neighborhood Nip

What was the real Nipsey Hussle threat?… (If I was to believe in some type of conspiracy around his death) First off, RIP Nipsey Hussle, and my condolences to your family. I’d like to say that I’m all for conspiracy theories, but if we are going to propagate them, please meditate on them first. IF …

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